The Ultimate Marketer’s Guide to TV Ads
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TV advertising may be under heavy pressure against the growing strength of digital and social media advertising, but it continues to be a major priority for marketers. TV advertising spending power as of 2021 was up to $67.5 billion, which is more than 12% from 2020. TV advertising still has value, and marketers plan to continue utilizing it in the future.
Aniview, which connects brands and advertisers to global platforms to bring their advertisements to even larger markets, has seen the continued growth of TV ads. Approximately 99% of homes in America have access to broadcasting networks, making TV ad reach greater than any digital ad.
For marketers, TV ads are still one of the most profitable forms of advertising. Advertisers can potentially air a single TV ad to billions of viewers instantly.
TV Advertisements by the Numbers
TV continues to be one of the most effective advertising platforms for nearly a century with its massive global reach.
- TV ad revenue worldwide: $151 billion ad share of global marketing spending: 32.4%
- Analysts predict that TV advertising spending can grow to as much as $72 billion thanks to marketers willing to pay for ad campaigns that instantly reach large audiences.
- TV advertising still has one of the best ROIs for marketers. It’s one of the lowest-risk methods of advertisements with a high-profit likelihood at 70% between 3-6 months of campaigns and up to 86% over three years.
How TV Advertising Benefits Marketers
Generates Sales
The primary purpose of a TV commercial is to make a sale, and most TV commercials are designed to create a strong impression. This compels customers to remember both the brand and the product being offered.
For every $1 spent on media, advertisers can expect an average sales return of $1.06, according to Nielsen studies. But with an exceptionally effective commercial that is professionally made and engages customers, it could be as much as $2.09, at nearly double the rate.
Successful ads can produce an ROI of 300%-500% if utilized through an effective campaign. Marketers need to use the power of TV advertising in conjunction with an integrated digital marketing campaign.
Guaranteed Viewers
With people worldwide constantly seeking updates to the latest news, nationally and internationally, there will always be viewers who’ll end up seeing a TV advertisement.
Given the socio-economic situation of the world following the pandemic, along with various financial and political issues, people will keep turning on the TV to stay updated. This is a prime opportunity for TV advertisers to place their videos and commercials in front of a captive audience. There will always be an audience to watch the commercials, and they’re not skippable, unlike digital ads.
Broad Audiences
The majority of TV users are aged 55 and up, and the overall largest percentage of viewers are between 18-35 years old. TV appeals to such a broad audience that it’s much more likely to reach your target audience than any other.
Advertisers can also do targeting with digital ads. However, the more demographics you add to the targeting, the more expensive the ad becomes. A TV ad can reach broad audiences in a single airing, and with repeated airing, even more, people are reached every time.
Tapping into the Psychological Effects of TV
Consumers are more psychologically attached to TV. People typically connect to media in television more and hold it to a higher standard than anything they see online. TV shows trustworthiness and prestige, so people resonate more with what they see on it, such as news, brands, and advertisements.
When marketers use TV ads, they ensure that audiences pay attention and become more invested in the brand than if they saw the advertisement online. People will develop a stronger connection and brand retention after seeing things on TV.
Moreover, because the TV has a substantial impact on audiences, it also creates a deeper emotional connection. Tapping into the audience’s emotions is crucial in creating a successful TV ad. Utilizing the best practices in creating TV advertisements in combination with the inherent psychological effects of TV makes a much more effective ad than ever.
The Crucial Components of an Effective TV Advertisement
Quality Production
Because TV is a medium that lends trustworthiness and professionalism, your advertisement should reflect that. Don’t cut corners and create a quality TV ad by contacting a professional production house or utilizing good equipment and software.
In previous decades, quality TV advertisements mean a significant investment. But now, high-definition equipment and professional-grade video editing software can allow anyone to create a high-quality commercial. Small to Medium-sized enterprises can now create stunning adverts for national consumption without spending a lot of money.
Compelling Storyline
Make a storyline that is relatable to your target audience. For example, if you’re creating an advertisement for a college, use the real-life success stories of alumni or students who have had great experiences in the school. If you’re creating an ad for lifestyle products, create a vibrant ad that showcases all the great ways the product can be used for leisure or to make household chores easier.
A great story should be something your target audience will see and then want for their own lives. It gives them a sense of needing the service or product they see on the screen, or it gives them the idea that this is a product that will be valuable for their own life.
Use a Call-to-Action
Like in digital advertising, good TV advertisements should have a call to action. This is to prompt your audience into responding to your ad. You can urge them to call your company hotline, visit your website, or take advantage of a promotion that your store is having.
Represent Your Brand Clearly
TV ads are a vehicle to better brand retention. Therefore, your ad campaign should embody the crucial characteristics and values that your company wants your customers to remember. Because your ad now resonates with the audience, you have to make sure they remember the key aspects of your brand along with it.
For example, if your brand has distinctive colors and aesthetics, make them prominent in your commercial. Household names like Coca-Cola or Mcdonald’s have iconic colors and logos that people instantly associate with their brand. Your goal is to create the same brand association with the elements in your commercial.
Successfully Integrating TV Advertising with Digital Campaigns
Combining the strengths of digital campaigns with TV advertising can increase the advertisement’s effectiveness. It creates amplified reach with a more varied distribution.
It enhances your ability to create different content types as you can do multiple approaches depending on the platform. Advertisers may use one platform for contests and promos, while others are better for short videos.
And there’s more enhanced credibility in your digital marketing because consumers see your TV adverts, associate trustworthiness with it, and immediately recall the same brand upon seeing the digital ads.
Social Engagement
Leverage your social media accounts to enhance your TV and digital ads. Facebook and Instagram are excellent platforms for testing content and its appeal to consumers before you air the adverts on national television since these two platforms have feedback avenues from customers.
You can also do the reverse: when a TV ad is effective, you can repurpose the content for your digital advertising. For example, you can implement full-length videos for TV and YouTube while short-form adverts work better for Tiktok and Instagram stories.
Email Marketing
As one of the highest-performing marketing channels for ROI, you can use email marketing to amplify your TV adverts. Taglines, still photos, and branding concepts used in your advertisement can be reused or embedded into your email blasts to your customers and subscribers.
It keeps the advertisement fresh in their minds while also reinforcing your company’s brand identity. And email marketing also acts as a way to keep your customers updated on the latest content from your campaigns, such as promos and new products.
Use TV as a Vehicle for Digital Campaigns
Because TV has such an immense reach, you can use it to enhance your digital campaigns by adding a digital offer to your TV advertisement. For example, your TV ad could have a call to action that prompts consumers to head to your website and use a specific promo code to get a discount or a free product.
You can also use the TV ads to direct traffic to your social media, urging them to Like or Subscribe to the pages so they can stay updated on the latest from your company. At the same time, it helps you guide customers who aren’t ready to purchase from you to at least have a look at your digital presence. Eventually, it will lead them to learn more about your company and potentially convert them.
Maximize Reach, Find Bigger Audiences
Marketers worldwide can do a lot with TV advertising, and the best results come from combining TV with digital platforms. Having the right tools and connecting with publishers worldwide can add even more avenues for finding new audiences, such as in-app advertising and ads in other high-traffic webpages. It helps you maximize your benefits from what TV ads already offer.
Aniview connects advertisers to some of the biggest publishers and platforms across the globe. We even provide video Ad Server technology that helps you track your reach and analyze the demographics that have shown interest in your brand. Contact us to set up a consultation or read about our products.