Over The Top (OTT) Device
Table of Contents1 What is an OTT Device?2 How Do OTT Devices Work?3 What Does This Mean for You? What is an OTT Device? OTT
Table of Contents1 What is an OTT Device?2 How Do OTT Devices Work?3 What Does This Mean for You? What is an OTT Device? OTT
People mentioned “CPM” everywhere in digital advertising, but what does it mean? “CPM” stands for “cost per mile,” and it’s industry shorthand for the amount…
Google IMA (Google’s Interactive Media Ads) software development kit (SDK) allows video players to serve video ads.
On-target percentage, also called OTP, measures how much of your advertising campaign’s results actually stem from your intended audience.
OTP ads can be deployed alone or in tandem with regular ads that run on the webpage once the OTP ad has finished.
Header bidding has shaken up the digital advertising industry, with both advertisers and publishers hailing the method…
Gross rating points (GRP) help you measure how big an impact your ad campaign can achieve. With GRP, the focus is on the volume that can be delivered
The Video Player Ad-Serving Interface (VPAID) is a key component of the Interactive with components like VAST and VMAP, the VPAID
VAST 2.0 is the third iteration and second major version of the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s Video Ad Serving Template (VAST).
Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions system (MRAID) is an Application Programming Interface (API) designed by the Interactive Advertising Bureau. Like the IAB
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